+86 188 4153 6266


Main Features

- Real-time measurement of dose rate, and simultaneously records the cumulative dose.

- The dose rate alarm threshold and the dose alarm thresholds can be set freely.

Any combination of sound, flash and vibration these three types of alarm modes to meet various alarm needs.

- A dual alarm function of the dose rate and dose.

- Built-in memory, to prevent the value of the cumulative dose, the dose rate alarm threshold and the dose 

alarm thresholds data lost due to power-down.

- Continuous monitoring of battery power, and with a low battery state prompt.

- Chinese and English menu to switch freely.

Humanized design, easy to operate.

- Support wireless personal dose management system (Wireless version only).

Technical Specifications

The detectorEnergy compensated GM counter tube
Measurement range

The dose rate0.10uSv/h to 10mSv/h

   The dose0uSv/h to 10Sv
SensitivityMore than 1.5cps/uSv/h (relative to 137Cs )
Energy response48keV to 3.0MeV
Relative errorMore than 5% (when at 1mSv/h)
Power supply2 AAA batteries
Power consumptionMore than 24mW
Temperature propertyMinus 10 ℃ to plus 50 ℃,less than or equal to 10 %
Weight100g(including batteries)

6th Floor, Building 70-45, Instrument Industry Park, Zhenxing District, Dandong City, China-118000
Tel.:+86 188 4153 6266
WhatsApp/ WeChat: 008618841536266
Copyright Technology Support: Yalu River Network